F A Q s
What is Vaping?
Put simply, “Vaping” is the act of inhaling vapor that is created by a personal vaporizer (mod) or electronic cigarette. Because there is no combustion or burning, a person who is vaping is not being exposed to the carcinogenic compounds that come from tobacco cigarettes. Products used for vaping can contain nicotine in order to simulate smoking tobacco cigarettes.
What is An Electronic Cigarette?
Electronic cigarettes (e-cigs, e-cigarettes, personal vaporizers or mods) are electronic devices that adults use as an alternative to smoking tobacco cigarettes. They are powered by batteries and create a vapor instead of smoke.
The rechargeable batteries in the device power heating elements called atomizers which use low heat to vaporize or turn liquid (e-juice) from the tank or cartridge into mist/vapor.
What is E-liquid? What is in E-liquid?
E-liquid (e-juice, vape juice) is the liquid used in vapor products to create the mist that simulates the act of smoking.
E-liquid or e-juice is made of propylene glycol, vegetable glycerin, water and flavorings. It can also contain nicotine and is available in different strengths.
Is Vaping Safer Than Smoking?
Products that contain nicotine cannot be called 100% safe, and there are always contradictory opinions on this subject. But evidence from many scientific studies suggest that vaping is safer than smoking tobacco cigarettes.
Harm reduction experts have shown research that supports making the switch to vaping can reduce a person’s health risks to less than one percent of smoking tobacco cigarettes. It has been proposed that using e-cigarettes or vaping is a lower-risk alternative to smoking.
Can I Quit Smoking If I Vape?
Because e-liquids contain different amounts of nicotine, many people who have switched to vaping have the ability to “step down” in the amount of nicotine that they vape over time.
When a smoker first starts vaping, it is normally suggested to go with an e-juice that contains a higher amount of nicotine, over time vapers will switch to lower amounts of nicotine and some have gone all the way down to 0mg e-liquid, which contains no nicotine.
It differs from person to person, but there are many success stories where people have stated that they successfully quit smoking by being able to step down in their nicotine due to the flexibility that vaping allows.